Monday, September 24, 2018

Grettir the strong was born in a world of constant comparison. He was never good enough for his father, never as good as his brother, and never met up with the skewed beliefs of the religious conformity that had taken over Iceland. As Grettir grew older he accepted his own morals and beliefs. Constantly looking within or to those he respected for the right course of action. While this angered a lot of people, it gave Grettir the chance to choose his own path. In this blog I will be comparing Grettir the strong to Megatron from Transformers.

Megatron, like Grettir, also had to pave his way. He grew up as a poor low class Cybertronian who was forced to work in the mines to provide for himself. As Megatron grew older he began to understand the world around him. He could see the corruption in the Cybertronian government, those at the top who let the poor starve and die out while they sat by and drank themselves silly. He could see the stigma between class and build. How the seekers and flyers were treated like garbage because they separated themselves from the ground based Cybertronians. He could see the death and decay around him and wanted to help. So, he made a plan. First he became well established in the community by becoming the champion in the Gladiatorial rings. He then used those connections to get himself a seat on the council and began to make a plea for his case. His hope was to become the next Prime, but fortune did not lead him that way. Instead Orion Pax, now known as Optimus Prime, was given that prestige. Orion had little understanding of the world he lived in, no real will to go against the senate, and no backbone. He had spent most of his deca-cycles as a librarian assistant. Megatron was furious. He felt he deserved the Prime status, after he calmed down he tried to reason with Orion, but he didn’t believe Megatron. So, Megatron began a revolution, he acquired many warriors from he colosseums, and was close to ready to attack. He constantly tried to pull the seekers and flyers into the war, but they had no desire to join in a grounder’s coup. That is until the senate destroyed Vos, the flyers home. It was a devastating blow and it brought all remaining seekers and flyers to Megatrons team. One seeker, Starscream, ended up bombing the senate, killing all of them. Thats when the civil war began. As the eons went by and more and more died. Megatron forgot about his beginning mission. His only goal; kill Optimus Prime once and for all. 

Now to compare Grettir and Megatron. Both were born into a unfair system. Grettir, being constantly told to conform to religious ideals, and Megatron, constantly told that his place was below those that sought to do harm to the people they swore to protect. Both became renowned for their strength and fighting prowess, and both respected those that were thought of as lower class or different. Grettir respected women often, unless given a reason against those ideals. Megatron respected the seekers and flyers for their strength and beauty. Both lost their way at one point or another. Megatron lost his mind and ideals from the constant bloodshed around him, Grettir lost his compassion when he was deemed an outlaw, he began to only focus on himself and his needs. 

While this may be a weird comparison, it does connect to each other in different ways. There are many differences, mainly that ones a human man and the other an organic metal alien life form, but different doesn’t always mean incomparable. 

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