Wednesday, October 3, 2018

HBO’s Game of Thrones Mirroring Njal’s Saga

HBO took George R.R. Martin’s famous book series, Game of Thrones and made a television series. The show and book series have a ‘Dungeons and Dragons’ theme to the storyline and consists of various characters that can be compared to numerous ones in Njal’s Saga. Both consist of feuds that turn bloody, powerful women murderers, and honorable men that have their honor get them destroyed. It is interesting to see how the two follow similar paths in plot. Certain characters featured in Game of Thrones are the Starks (Ned Stark and Arya Stark), the Lannisters (Cersei Lannister), Daenerys, and Littlefinger. These mentioned characters unintentionally reflect the Njalssons, the Sigfussons, Hoskuld Thrainsson, the burning at Bergthoshvol, Hallgerd, and Bergthora. While some of these merely compare to conflicts and events, some characters follow a similar archetype to that of the other. These similarities are important to hold into consideration because they can provide a deeper understanding of the text and pop culture.  
The Starks and The Lannisters

The Starks are a prominent family within Game of Thrones. Throughout the series, the Starks act as the protagonists within the story. They have a hostile feud with the Lannisters that last throughout all seasons and books, much like the Njalssons and Sigfussons do in Njal’s Saga. The Lannisters are also a prestigious family within the series, and primarily act as antagonists. This strife between the two lead to great bloodshed and numerous conflicts.
Ned Stark
Ned Stark is a main character in the first book and season in GOT and his most noticeable character trait is his honor. He is known for being an honorable man, and always trying to do the right thing. No reader or viewer can deny that he is innocent of any bloodshed or any feud, and this innocence, this honor of his, is what led him to his unfortunate and undeserving death. This can be compared to the murder of Hoskuld Thrainsson, whom is also innocent and undeserving.
Arya Stark
Arya Stark is one of Ned Stark’s daughters who begins the show as a defenseless girl who refuses to be a damsel and later turns herself into a weapon of destruction. Her ruthlessness and gift of grudge-holding reminds us of Bergthora. Berthora arranges six killings in revenge while Arya kills for revenge as well. 

Littlefinger is a character as well in GOT. His clever mind sets feuds and murder into motion through his persuading words and gossip. Mord Valgardsson spreads enough gossip to get Hoskuld Thrainsson killed just as Littlefinger gets Ned Stark executed.
Cersei Lannister

Cersei Lannister is introduced to readers and viewers as Queen of the Seven Kingdoms (the setting in GOT). Her first husband, King Robert Baratheon, was physically abusive to her. While Cersei is not a moral woman to begin with, she was still a victim of domestic abuse. Because of this, and many other plotlines, she murders her husband. This makes us recall Hallgerd and her reasoning for not giving her husband a hair for his bow, eventually leading to extreme bloodshed, all because he hit her. 

Daenerys is another powerful female figure in GOT. She acts as a born leader, survivor, and fighter. She is made to be a protagonist; however, in recent episodes she burns two innocent men alive, despite her advisor’s heeding. She does so irrationally and to demonstrate her power. This relates to the burning at Bergthorshvol because both were unjustifiable actions/events.

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